
What is the Ideal Age to Get Hair Transplant Treatment?

If you’ve noticed your hairline receding or bald patches developing on your scalp, you may be considering getting a hair transplant. This procedure can permanently restore lost hair by transplanting follicles from thicker areas of your scalp to the balding regions. But what is the ideal age to get hair transplant treatment ? In this post, we’ll discuss the ideal age range for best results from a hair transplant covering various scenarios. When is Hair Loss Most Common? Like most folks, you probably began losing your hair sometime in your late 30s or 40s. This slow thinning is perfectly normal. In men, it’s often caused by a mixture of hormones and genetics known as male pattern baldness. In women, hair loss usually starts later in life during menopause when estrogen levels drop. No matter when it begins, it can hit your self-esteem hard. Minimum Recommended Age If you want to reverse your hair loss quickly, you might wonder if you should get a transplant right away. However, most docto

Hair Transplants: A Comprehensive Guide for Cancer Survivors

Undeniably, dealing with cancer is not an easy feat. It takes a toll mentally, physically, and emotionally, with side effects spilling over into post-treatment life. One such lingering side effect is hair loss due to chemotherapy, an ordeal most patients find emotionally draining. In light of this, we present a comprehensive guide to hair transplants for cancer survivors – a solution that can restore not only their mane but also a sense of normalcy in their lives. Understanding Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss Chemotherapy-induced alopecia (CIA) doesn’t happen to everyone undergoing infusion therapy, its dependent on the patient and the type of chemotherapy drug. Many patients experience hair thinning and hair loss – a distressing reminder of the gruelling battle against the disease. Hair loss from chemotherapy can affect a patient’s body image and increase the risk of depression. Studies have revealed the psychological implications of CIA, further underscoring the importance of post-tre

Hair Transplantation in 2023: ARTAS 9x Robotic Hair Restoration

  Introduction Restoring the hairline is the key to regaining confidence. While hair thinning is common with age, watching your hairline receding every time you look in the mirror can feel stressful. Fortunately, help is at hand. If you want to regrow your receding hairline, allow ARTAS 9x Robotic Hair Restoration to do all the wonders. With the evolution in technology, the newest technologies are being introduced for hair transplant surgery. ARTAS 9x Robotic Hair Restoration is one of them.  Curious about knowing how it works, the pros and cons of the treatment, the costs, and how it’s better than other hair transplant treatments?  Great! This blog is all about that. Read on to explore everything related to this robotic hair restoration treatment. What Is ARTAS 9x Robotic Hair Restoration? The ARTAS system was created by research engineers of an American company called Restoration Robotics, Inc. in 2008. After undergoing rigorous testing, it was approved by the USFDA for precise and s

Laser Hair Removal: What You Need to Know Before Booking Your First Session

  Introduction Getting rid of your body hair on a monthly, weekly, and sometimes even daily basis can feel like a chore.  Having a shaving rash is not pretty, and opting for regular waxing can be both painful and expensive. And all that smooth skin results after discomfort for what, a week? Laser hair removal is a more effective treatment for long-term stubble-free skin. If you are willing to remove your unwanted body hair without the use of razors and waxing, all you need is laser hair removal.  But if a lack of information and plentiful worries are stopping you from booking your first session – we are here to help you out! Read through this blog to gather complete information about laser hair removal treatment, from process to precautions. What Is Laser Hair Removal? Laser hair removal is an FDA-approved cosmetic procedure that uses a laser concentrated beam of light to remove unwanted hair from the body. The treatment is performed by certified doctors who use a handheld device that

6 Quick Facts of Body Contouring

  Introduction: No matter how hard you exercise and diet, those stubborn fatty pockets aren’t getting rid of your body – is it? Then let us tell you a fact the problem is not with your schedule, it is the skin.  Not losing the required weight often ends us hitting gyms and undergoing training sessions that are not even preferred by us, in between all these we always forget to ask ourselves if it is really necessary.  As different areas of the body hold dissimilar amounts of fat cells, shedding the excess ones is not always easy; in women, the hardest part to lose fat cells is the hips, things, and butt. Whereas in men the metabolism level is higher than in women which makes it easier for them to lose weight – the hardest body area to lose fat cells in men is belly fat. But do you know where the table turns? As per the survey, 1/4 (one of four) gym members are unsatisfied with their gyming club most of the time due to the environment and facing the unstructured self in front of so many


  Introduction Wrinkles are the lines and facial creases that form on the face – which is a natural part of ageing, in the time frame when the skin starts lacking collagen – basically, a protein present within your body that gives skin a firm structure and elasticity for moving easily Once the skin starts losing collagen, it becomes drier, thinner, and less elastic in appearance. Also in the elder years of life, the skin loses its fat and water content making it thinner and enabling UV rays to penetrate more deeply than in young skin. Exposure to the sun or ultraviolet (UV) rays is another cause of getting wrinkles. Body areas such as the face, back, neck, and hands are where most premature wrinkled skin has been noticed.  The skin tone on a scale of 1-6 also matters in the development of wrinkles and sun spots. Melanin – the substance in the body that produces skin pigmentation, hair, and the eye is likely to see in more people having dark skin which protects them from sunburn /skin d


  The Best Timeline for Pre-Wedding Face, Body and Hair Treatments Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. But preparing for your big day can feel overwhelming, especially when you have to schedule so many beauty appointments. That’s why, it’s crucial to plan your facial, body, and hair treatments strategically so that you achieve the bridal glow you desire without any stress. So how soon should you start these beauty preparations? This blog post provides timelines for different pre-wedding cosmetic procedures including face, body, and hair. Best Timeline for Pre-Wedding Facial Treatment If you’re concerned about acne, acne scars, dull complexion, or tired looks, be proactive about facials four to six months before the wedding. Consult a professional during this period to develop a customized skincare regimen. The expert can recommend specific facials and at-home products to brighten your complexion and achieve a radiant bridal glow over time. Whatever facial t