Laser Hair Removal 12 Things You Need To Know Before Having The Treatment


Before considering laser hair removal, it will be wise to research the process beforehand. It is quite important to read up on all the information and facts regarding laser hair removal before you begin the treatment. This will ensure that you know that this type of hair removal method is the one for you.

Laser hair removal has many advantages, even beyond achieving permanent hairless skin.

Even if this treatment is fairly simple and common, it still is a medical procedure. It is a good idea to know and understand all the things you should be ready for after the procedure and the things you should prepare before, for the procedure.

In this blog, 12 facts have been compiled to bust any and all myths about laser hair removal. Here is everything you need to know prior to starting this treatment:

1-The Procedure Is Almost Painless

Patients have reported that the pulses of the laser feel like warm pinpricks or the snap of a rubber band. Although it is not painless, it is not quite painful either. Patients may feel discomfort but the treatment area is treated with a numbing agent beforehand and most lasers have a cooling mechanism to cool the skin after pulses.

The discomfort of lasers pales in comparison to the pain of waxing in threading.

2-Patience Is Key

The procedure works by damaging the hair follicles and bulbs through the heat of the laser. This prevents them from growing hair. But for results to become apparent it takes about 2-3 weeks after the first session in a total of 8-12 sessions. The results will also not be achieved properly if the sessions are not attended regularly.

3-Shave The Area Before Session

The laser can affect the hair present on the skin surface. So for optimal results, patients need to be prepped before the procedure. The following things need to be taken care of:

-        Shave the area that is to be treated within 24 hours before the session

-        Only shave, do not tweeze, pluck, or wax

-        The area that is to be treated needs to be clean and free of any lotion, cream, perfume, etc. the technician/doctor needs to be informed if the area needs to be cleaned

-        The area that is to be treated should be exfoliated thoroughly before the session

-        Remove any makeup [if applied] from the area that is to be treated before the session

4-The Procedure Is Quick And Fast

The part of the body from which the hair is to be removed determines the speed of the session. For most areas like upper lips or underarms, the session is finished in a few minutes. Only larger areas like the back can take up to a full hour.

5-Do Not Go To The Gym After The Session

The heat from the laser stays in your skin for up to 24 hours after the procedure. So, to avoid providing bacteria with a breeding ground in your skin, patients should avoid saunas, gyms, hot showers, etc for that period of time.

6-Avoid Sun Exposure

 Skin being exposed to the sun may make the treatment less effective. This is why patients should avoid sun exposure for six weeks before and after treatment. If you have a tan or fake tan, you will need to wait till it fades before starting the next session.

7-There Is A Possibility Of More Growth In A Few Cases

There is a type of finer hair called 'vellus hairs' that get stimulated into growth by the light of the laser. This is why in a few rare cases, the hair was stimulated into growing longer and thicker.

8-You Need To Change The Beauty Products You Use

Because the skin is treated with a laser, dryness can be caused. More moisturization may need to be added to daily skincare routines for the health of the skin. Doctors may prescribe certain products for post session care that need to be added to our daily routine. And scrubs, glycolic acid and retinol creams should be avoided 2 days before and after sessions.

9-There Are Other Benefits Other Than Permanent Hair Removal

This treatment encourages hair to grow straighter, which helps prevent ingrown hairs from occurring and decreases the irritation of the skin. The laser can also eliminate ingrown hairs. These are a few benefits of laser hair removal other than clear, smooth, and hairless skin.

10-Do Not Pluck, Dye Or Wax Your Hair Between Sessions

If patients want to remain hairless in between sessions and before permanent results can be achieved, they are advised to only use shaving to accomplish that. Plucking, waxing, and bleaching hinders the laser hair removal treatment and can render the treatment less effective

11-Laser Hair Removal Can Be Performed On All Skin Tones

Older lasers were previously not recommended for patients with darker skin tones. This is because the energy from the laser targets the pigment in the hair and darker skin tones may end up attracting the laser instead.

But now with updated technology and newer lasers, all skin tones are eligible, the hair just needs to be dark enough to attract the laser.


12-Going Back For Top Up Treatments Is A Possibility

Generally, people have reported that the success rate is about 90% for a permanent reduction in hair growth. It is possible that due to the results varying from person to person and fluctuating hormones, patients may need to go in for top-up treatments. These sessions would have larger periods of time between them, e.g., 4 times a year or 2 times a year.


At Musk Clinic we use one of the most advanced solutions for Laser Hair Removal; the Alma Soprano ICE Platinum which uses trio clustered diode technology to combine 3 different laser wavelengths into 1 handheld device.

Book your appointment now.


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