Body Contouring What Is It, Benefits, Risks & Recovery
Body contouring is also known as body sculpting. With the help of technology, non-surgical body contouring helps improve the shape of the body by eliminating and removing stubborn pockets & deposits of fat and cellulite in our body. It should be noted that body contouring is neither a weight loss solution nor a substitute for diet and exercise. This procedure is for eliminating excess skin and fat that still remains after significant weight loss. There are many cases of people where even after successfully going through a period of diet & exercise, there remain a few areas of the body where fat is still present. In some cases, the skin cannot conform to the new body shape and so it sags. This is where body contouring comes in. This procedure removes the excess fat & cellulite while also tightening the sagging skin to conform to the new body shape. In this blog, we have laid out all the information a prospective patient might need, from benefits to tips about pos...